This page
contains photos of the four original diaries.
Volume 1 - 5 April 1915 to 29 May 1915
19 typed pages, starting at page 112-
part way through the entry for 5 April 1915 and ending with three lines
of the entry for 9 April. The first 111 pages are missing and sadly we
have no information about them. After two more missing pages (113 and
114) the diary starts with just one word from the entry for 13 April
(page 115) and continues until page 132 which ends part way through 29
May 1915.
Volume 2 - 25 July 1915 to 25 April 1916
132 handwritten pages with some sketches
Volume 3 - 8 May 1916 to 15 November 1916
134 handwritten pages with some sketches
Volume 4 - 21 June 1918 to 27 December 1918
154 handwritten pages with some sketches.
The final volume ends all of a
sudden and it is clear that some back pages are missing.
If you are aware
of the location of any of the 'missing' volumes,
please get in touch via the Visitor's
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